TFC – Healing Service
Columbia Baptist Church 103 W. Columbia Street, Falls Church, VA, United StatesThis Service Includes singing, teaching, a time for testimonies and individual prayer for anyone, with laying on of hands and anointing with oil.
Forget-Me-Not Ministries
Our calendar includes FMNM events and other ministry events that we recommend and/or attend.
This Service Includes singing, teaching, a time for testimonies and individual prayer for anyone, with laying on of hands and anointing with oil.
Church of the Holy Spirit - Anglican God is moving powerfully in our midst, calling us to repentance and a holy walk as we serve Him. Out of such a walk flow supernatural experiences of cleansing and healing. Captives are set free and the kingdom of God comes in greater fullness. Tangible works of JesusRead More
This Service Includes singing, teaching, a time for testimonies and individual prayer for anyone, with laying on of hands and anointing with oil.
Church of the Holy Spirit - Anglican God is moving powerfully in our midst, calling us to repentance and a holy walk as we serve Him. Out of such a walk flow supernatural experiences of cleansing and healing. Captives are set free and the kingdom of God comes in greater fullness. Tangible works of JesusRead More
Church of the Holy Spirit - Anglican God is moving powerfully in our midst, calling us to repentance and a holy walk as we serve Him. Out of such a walk flow supernatural experiences of cleansing and healing. Captives are set free and the kingdom of God comes in greater fullness. Tangible works of JesusRead More
Church of the Holy Spirit - Anglican God is moving powerfully in our midst, calling us to repentance and a holy walk as we serve Him. Out of such a walk flow supernatural experiences of cleansing and healing. Captives are set free and the kingdom of God comes in greater fullness. Tangible works of JesusRead More
Church of the Holy Spirit - Anglican God is moving powerfully in our midst, calling us to repentance and a holy walk as we serve Him. Out of such a walk flow supernatural experiences of cleansing and healing. Captives are set free and the kingdom of God comes in greater fullness. Tangible works of JesusRead More
Church of the Holy Spirit - Anglican God is moving powerfully in our midst, calling us to repentance and a holy walk as we serve Him. Out of such a walk flow supernatural experiences of cleansing and healing. Captives are set free and the kingdom of God comes in greater fullness. Tangible works of JesusRead More
Jacqueline will be speaking on the topic of "God is Easy". This Service Includes singing, teaching, a time for testimonies and individual prayer for anyone, with laying on of hands and anointing with oil.
Forget-Me-Not Day is a day to remember God, family, friends, and loved ones. People use this day to get in touch with family, friends and loved ones, especially those who we haven't seen or talked with in a while. You don't want them to forget you, do you!?