Did you welcome January as a time for new beginnings? Were you looking for a fresh start in a different direction? Were you ready to pursue a new journey? These life-changing journeys are what we typically refer to as new year’s resolutions, with the targeted destination being some form of a new and better you.
How’s Your Journey Going?
Traveling isn’t always easy. There are bumps along the way, wrong turns, detours, and unexpected road blocks. Journeys can get terribly tiring once the initial excitement wears out. Following in a new direction can turn out being harder than expected, and going back to old, familiar territory becomes an irresistible temptation. It’s at that point we find ourselves face-to-face with an easy solution for our distress…quitting.
This isn’t about sticking with the new year’s resolutions you may have just made a month ago. It’s about sticking with God and His resolutions, the ones that lead us and keep us on the most important journey in life…our transformation into the likeness of His Son.
Fifteen years ago, God started leading me on a journey of transformation. It took some time to recognize what He was leading me with, but once I gained sight of it, I decided nothing could make me turn back. He had set my feet upon a path of forget-me-nots that led me to a newness of life that far exceeded the life I was living in Him at the start, and it has only kept getting better and better.
One of the Lord’s instructions to me for 2015 is to write on the three topics that define my life: missions, healing, and His forget-me-nots. Missions and healing are a continuation of what I have been publishing since the beginning of our ministry. However, the forget-me-nots are just now emerging. Over the years, I’ve been gathering them from God’s Word and experiences that He’s brought me through, and I’ve been preserving them in notebooks and journals, waiting for the season when He would have me share them.
Follow God’s Forget-Me-Nots
It may not be clear to you yet, what these forget-me-nots are, but I hope it won’t be long before you are able to take hold of them and make them your own. If you will allow God to lead you with them, I’m certain you’ll find the journey worthwhile and rewarding. And when December rolls around, when you’re looking back to evaluate the progress you made with all your 2015 new year’s resolutions, my desire for you is that you’ll discover the destination that these forget-me-nots led you to is far more abundantly beyond all that you could ask or think.
I hope this encourages you to start the journey. There will be forget-me-nots springing up on this blog site to lead you throughout the year (look for the first one to come next week).
As always, your comments are welcome. In fact, I am looking to gather testimonies for the printed version of God’s Forget-Me-Nots, which is in the plans for next year.
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